Episode Recap: Amazing Race All Stars (Season 11), Episode 1
Episode: I Told You Less Martinis and More Cardio
Original Air Date: February 18, 2007 It had to happen sooner or later. Welcome to the Obligatory "All Star" Season of The Amazing Race. Every reality show does this sooner or later. Studio and network executives worry because viewers are starting to get burnt out on a particular show. So they look at their "List of Things to Do to Keep People Watching Your Tired Reality Show", and say, "Which of these things haven't we tried yet?": 1 Shocking Twists (i.e. host does not wear necktie some episodes, see The Apprentice) 2 SNAKES! 3 Bring back losers from past seasons and hope that they aren't the reasons viewers are burnt out on your show. Studio executives could try all of those things, if they apply. Or they could try something completely different like, oh, say, not airing two entire seasons of the show every stinking year! Helloooo!!! Give us a chance to miss the show, for Pete's sake! But I digess. This season will feature 11 teams from the past...Read the rest of this The Amazing Race episode recap Labels: amazing race, amazing race all stars, amazing race season 11, episode recaps |
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