Sunday, January 07, 2007

Episode Recap: The Apprentice - LA, Episode 1

Episode: To Have and To Have Not
Original Air Date: January 7, 2007

Money money money money, monAY!

At least the cool theme song hasn't changed this season on The Apprentice. The location has changed, and so, it seems, has The Donald's demeanor (He's a new daddy - again). The premiere episode this season begins with Sir Comb-over riding in a limo through New York, pretending to be talking over the phone to his child bride, Melania, who has already moved to LA. He tells her he'll be out there soon and that he misses her, to which she responds, "I miss you too, you aging bag of hot gas!"

...or something to that effect.

And then, a sound which we are supposed to believe comes from Trump the Baby can be heard over the phone, to which Trump responds, "I miss you too, Baron."

Baron? I think I knew a great dane once named Baron. As rich as Trump is, you'd think he could afford a decent name for his kid.

In the next scene, Trump is driving around LA...Read the rest of this post

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