Thursday, December 14, 2006

Episode Recap: Survivor Cook Islands - Week 14

Episode: I Have the Advantage ...for Once
Original Air Date: December 14, 2006

It's Day 34 and Adam and Parvati know the chances of both of them surviving the next Tribal Council are pretty slim, as in Nicole Richie slim. Despite having turned on Jonathan the night before, the other four castaways are still in their alliance and seem very tight. Adam and Parvati talk things over and conclude they must come up with a plan soon - and win the next Rewards Challenge so they can decide whom is sent to Exile Island.

Rewards Challenge - The rewards challenge this week is simple. The castaways are to roll around in a pool of mud until they're completely covered (Yes, I realize that's entertaining enough, but there's more)...Read the rest

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