Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Episode Recap: American Idol - Season 6, Episode 5

Episode 5
Original Air Date: January 30, 3007

Birmingham - home to Bo, Reuben, and Taylor... and my sister-in-law, but that's not important right now.

The Contestants

Erica Skye, 19 - Another contestant who mistakenly thinks singing Simon's favorite song, "Unchained Melody", will give her a better chance of getting through. That's only true if you can actually sing. Erica caterwals this song so painfully Paula has to leave the table. She won't stop singing even after the judges give her a resounding "no". Randy almost has security escort her out and Simon tells her, "Erica, you just have to shut up."
She directs a brush off gesture over her shoulder to the judges as she finally leaves. Once outside she tells the camera, "I just wish they could have been a little nicer."
Has she ever seen the show before?

Katie Bernard, 19 - She's got such a squeaky speaking voice she sounds more like a cartoon character than a real person...Read the rest of this American Idol post

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